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About Elder Abuse

What Is Elder Abuse?

  • Elder Abuse is most often defined as: “Single or repeated acts, or lack of appropriate action, occurring within a relationship write my paperz where there is an expectation of trust, which causes harm or distress to an older person.” (WHO, 2002)
  • Elder abuse takes many different forms; it’s as varied and individual as its victims themselves. What doesn’t change, regardless of the type, is that write my essay rapid elder abuse happens far too often and it must be stopped NOW.
  • Elder abuse is the mistreatment of an older person in a physical, emotional, financial way or by neglecting or abandoning them.


  • Hitting, slapping, pushing, punching


  • Treating the senior like a child by telling them how to behave
  • Threatening to put the senior away in an institution
  • Calling the senior names, insulting, frightening, or ignoring them
  • Isolating the senior from family and friends


  • Stealing the senior’s money
  • Cashing their pension or other cheques without permission
  • Telling them how to spend their money
  • Forcing them to change their Will or Powers of Attorney
  • Forcing the sale of property or personal belongings

Neglect & Abandonment

  • Misusing medications by giving the senior too much or not enough
  • Denying them food, medical treatment, medication, clothing
  • Violating their basic rights: not allowing privacy, keeping information from them, reading their mail, restricting visitors
  • Being abandoned when they cannot take care of themselves.

What are the Signs of Abuse?

An abused person may:

  • have unexplained bruises or cuts
  • seem fearful, anxious or sad
  • be concerned about their money
  • have sores on their body or be hungry
  • be absent from usual activities.

Who are the abusers?

  • Most caregivers are devoted, hard working and caring people; however, it is often a family member or person in a position of trust who is the abuser.
  • Victims do not often report abuse because they may be afraid of the abuser or they don’t know of other options. Victims may be embarrassed to talk about what is happening. The abuser may also have threatened the victim not to tell anyone.

How To Help

  • Believe the older adult has an issue. Listen to what they are saying; be non-judgmental. It may take a few visits to have a full understanding of the mistreatment.
  • Respect confidentiality.
  • Find other people who can help. Included is a list of organizations.
  • Help the older adult gain control over the abuse.
  • Do not act too quickly. Only take immediate action when a crime is being committed or the older adult needs immediate protection.
  • The best way to help is by providing information, options, and strategies which will cause no further harm.

Preventing Abuse

  • Plan for your own future when you are still independent.
  • Be cautious of someone who requests your assets in exchange for taking care of you.
  • Do not rely only on family members for your care and social life. Seek outside contacts. Develop friends of all ages.
  • Inform your family how you wish to be cared for and how you want your assets spent or maintained.
  • Families should examine their ability to provide care for an increasingly dependent elder. Plan ahead and learn about the community resources to help older persons and their caregivers.

Seniors Have Choices

Freedom of Choice – As an older adult you have the right to make decisions about your safety and well-being to the full extent of your capacity. This includes being informed about your legal and civil rights, and services to help you.

Assert Your Rights – Ask clearly for what you need.

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